Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Many things have changed since I last posted on here. My flat mate's parents have moved on from our living room floor to a rented house in Scotland, much to the relief of all concerned I think. Semester 1 of my never ending studies has ended, leaving me with 2 whole months of freedom from thinking of things literary, and a guilt free devouring of crappy chick lit books filched from the shelves of said flat mate. The block of flats up the road from work has replaced the fence made of old world war 2 stretcher frames with something that was actually designed as a fence. I've moved to a new desk in my office, where I get plenty of visitors to discuss the madcap antics of various co-workers. I've secretly booked a flight home for Christmas. The only change left to organise is to get myself sorted with leave so I have a job to come back to.

My plan is to turn up at whatever Christmas lunch is organised. I think it should be at home this year, but I'm not certain. There are only 3 people in Australia who know about my plans - although I'm tipping by now it will be 4, and there will be at least one public servant squealing a little as she reads this. The only thing now is to wait to see how long I manage to keep the cat in the bag from the main people the surprise is intended for - my parents. I'm thinking this will put an end to the half asleep late night phone calls that happen every so often. Secrets, like swear words, tend to slip out a little easier when tired.

So, long may the changes continue, however much some things will always remain the same. My bank balance, for example, is always going to remain in single figures for most of its life, regardless of country, income, and occupation. But I guess you can't have everything...but it's fun to try!

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