It seems that my entrepreneurial side has taken over while my mobility has been limited. Yes, that's right, the threatened back seizure happened, and I've had a week of enforced inactivity. And during that time - particularly during the long weekend that fell in that period - I've had plenty of time to mull over various things. Funny how much the mind works when the rest of you doesn't, when you need to call for help to get out of bed without almost passing out in agony - and I wish I was exaggerating that particular detail, but my mother can confirm that slightly panicked phone call that went out last Friday morning, before the lovely pain killers kicked in, before my 2 year old niece kissed me better.
During that time, I was fussing and fuming about the lost sewing time I had planned for the three day weekend. And some wheels began to turn. Slowly, yes, but then again, and avalanche starts with a trickle. It picked up a little speed tonight, though. After last night's effort on eBay buying up vintage patterns to add to what is already an extensive collection, today I registered a business name and a domain name in preparation for being able to sell the products of my efforts.
Things are really kicking off around here. I'm planning not only to make, sell and - eventually - design clothes, but I'm also plotting ways of funding travel through this. Think of it - Killi's London Blitz, a tour for fans of the wartime period in London...stopping off in Paris and Amsterdam for a couple of days as well. Now I just need to get some product to sell, some research into the whole travel issue, a website up and running, and, well, any kind of clue how to turn this into something that I don't get bored with. Hmm...But the first steps have been taken, anyway. And now I'm kind of vertical again (although not right now, thanks to heading back to work before I was really ready), I can get on with the realities of what is required. Fabric shopping this weekend. I can hardly wait to watch my hard earned flow through my fingers...
Halloween Reading
13 years ago
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