Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Going Dutch

I dipped a toe back into the world of internet dating not that long ago, and now I'm facing my first date since Kiwi decided his head was in it but his heart wasn't - whatever that may have meant, after a couple of months - back in May. This time it's an American, a New Yorker, no less, an archaeologist who is taking me to the British Museum. But there's a bit of a dilemma looming.

See, he's told me that it's best to book tickets for the exhibition in advance, which is fair enough, and he's told me that he will take care of that. But he's also told me how much the tickets are. Now, does this mean that he is expecting me to pay him back for them? Don't get me wrong, I'm not objecting to the idea. I'm not one of those girls - and I'm not saying it's a bad thing - who expect guys to bear the brunt of dating expenses. Sure, it's nice when they do, but I don't demand it. I figure fair's fair; when women weren't working, sure, the guy pretty much had to pay, but now that women are quite capable of supporting themselves, it's nice to step up and at the very least offer to pay their own way, in my opinion. But it does leave me in an interesting situation, now. How on earth do I deal with this? Do I not mention it, and see if he does? If he does, it could easily become a deal breaker. If he doesn't, he might end up thinking that I AM one of those girls who demands the guy pays for everything. But if I do bring it up, well, that's another awkward moment.

It would be nice to get a guy's perspective on this, but there aren't any handy that I feel able to mention it to. In fact, the only one handy is Flatmate C's new man, who I met for the first time tonight. Given that we were scoffing dinner, L was in her pyjamas and I'd left a plastic bag in the bathroom filled with hair cuttings from the new fringe I've just cut for myself, I'm not sure C would appreciate me bringing up my dating queries and wanting his opinion. Although maybe she would, I don't know.

But on the plus side, I figure going to a museum with an archaeologist has to be better than going on a school trip, right? Sure it has to be. Oh god, now I'm going to be worrying about that too. And that's before we even get to the part about what on earth am I going to wear, and the parties the night before that could leave me bleary eyed, fuzzy headed and generally not my usual sparkling self. God I hate dating. But then again, I quite often hate not dating more. So once again, faced with the lesser of two evils, I choose the most socially acceptable one, like the conformist that I am. Now I have to go and make sure I have an outfit that is clean and ironed...and I think I need new boots. Yes. Shopping. That will solve everything...

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