So. The guy from last week has been back in touch about a second date. And try as I might, he's putting this round on me to decide where we go. He chose a little bar not far from where he works and is now offering to come closer to my place for the second date. No issues there, really. Guess it's only fair to share out the decision making process, and it's also a chance that he wants to know what places I'll pick, if only because I was happy to let him make all the moves in round one. So. Now I have to choose somewhere.
I've suggested meeting outside the tube, keeping the options open until the last minute. Meanwhile, I've been hitting up various friends for ideas on where to go or what to do. Responses have been varied.
Our first date was simple. The bar was a nice place to have a chat, then we went the pizza option for dinner. All round, a nice vanilla first date. But this time I want something a little more cosy. I just have no idea what. It's complicated by the fact that I am broke, as ever. Makes me regret the fact that I wasted £20 on a lunch and movie expedition today...however much fun it was watching something nice and brainless for the afternoon (incidentally, tip for rom-com buffs out there...Bride Wars. Not, strictly speaking, a true rom-com, but well worth a giggle for the reincarnation of every Bride-zilla I've ever met). So, how to have a good cheap date... A friend has suggested cooking dinner for him at my place. Not a bad idea, I'm thinking. Few small catches though. No idea what sort of food he likes, other than knowning he's not a vegetarian, based on his pizza choice. Then there's the fact that, given the first date, dinner in my flat on the second might be a little too much of a jump - moving a little quicker than I might be prepared to go on this one. So, I'm still stuck. I can think of a couple of bars near where we've arranged to meet, a cafe or two. Nothing too fancy, but nice enough. There will have to be more research done. Not to mention cutting back in spending for the rest of the month. There goes my weekly lunch out at the Happy Place with the work girls. Hmm.
Does raise another question. Who should pay for a date? He offered to pay at every turn last week. I let him do it to a certain extent before making sure that I bought a round of drinks and put in for my share of dinner. It wasn't from any feminist assertive motive. I love that he tried to pay and that he was, in general, so old-fashioned gentlemanly. I just wasn't comfortable with the idea that men should pay for everything these days. I'm not saying it out of a drive for equality - although I guess it does come to that a little. I just know how expensive it could get if I am suddenly expected to pay for him a few times! I appreciate that dating must be a very expensive business for men when women just expect them to pay all the time. I don't think that shouting the other person should come so early in the potential relationship. Save it for later, and take me somewhere seriously expensive that I wouldn't be going to otherwise. Do it as a special treat, not to assert manliness. Only now, when I'm researching ideas for second dates, I've discovered that there are many different points of view about this. It seems some men feel that women who insist on paying their share are too pushy, and ought to be dumped immediately. Interesting thought, that they feel they have been stripped of their manhood by the simple splitting of the bill - not something I'd given a second thought to before.
Well, will just have to see how things play out...Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst, as ever. Do have to wonder why it's all so confusing...