Disaster has struck. Not on the job front - busier than I care to admit at work, especially given the ever-shrinking staff levels. No. This disaster has sturck much closer to home. It's the night before the big second date. I've been getting sorted, figuring out what I'm going to wear, organising lunch for tomorrow so I don't have to do it in the morning. Everything was settled (although the outfit might yet change). And then I felt it. The tingle at the corner of my mouth. Yes folks, that's right. In the lead up to a date with a nice guy, I'm developing a cold sore. Now I can't help stopping to check every mirror I go by, and feel compelled to prod my mouth which is perhaps not the smartest idea. So for now, fingers are crossed that it's just a zit that's a little too close to my mouth. I don't really believe it, but hey...Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's not. I'll just have to distract myself with whatever I can find on TV for the rest of the night. Ooh, look, High School Musical. Great. Brainless crap with beautiful people and teen angst, all rolled up in one wholesome package. Not a zit or a cold sore to be seen. Bliss.
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