Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Other Shoe

I'm back in angry camper mode today. Some might doubt that I ever left that mode, as it seems to have become a default setting, but I can assure you that I did. For a whole 48 hours, I'm fairly certain I was something other than a miserable, moaning, temper tantrum waiting to happen. But that's over, and I'm back to my sunny cheerful self. 

And the cause? Well, apart from a toothache that was apparently not caused by anything needing a filling (having a dentist get the giggles when he saw my back-to-front tooth made it almost worth the consultation fee, if not the pain that is still afflicting one of my teeth every time a toothbrush so much as passes my lips), my laptop, my toy, my baby, is without power. Last night at an ungodly hour, the adaptor stopped working and now I'm left with the task of chasing down a new one. Except that I'm supposed to be writing an essay at the same time. Which would be now, actually, while I'm blogging about the other delays. So I'm on L's old laptop, my own older model currently being used by my Dad as his new plaything. My four month old laptop has already broken. And looking at the tech support on the Toshiba website, it's far from an uncommon problem. That's what has me angry. 

I mean, how hard is it to give a decent plug? It's a fairly basic assumption. I can see how batteries would change over time, and how there might be a bad batch of them. But adaptors don't seem to have changed all that much since the early days of laptops. What is it that's even breakable in there? And why the hell wasn't it fixed at the point where they were reconditioning it at the factory? I love my laptop, I really do. I just hate the fact that it ran out of power late last night and can't be re-charged until Toshiba pull their finger out.

And now, all things coming in threes, I'm certain that there's something else looming. I'm madly trying to finish my essay - the second last that I will write in the UK - and then looking at dealing, once again, with my horrible addiction to all things cola-related. One stumbling block at a time.

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