I've been reading about the horrific fires that have ravaged my home state of Victoria, and I've been gob smacked by the stupidity of some people. It's nothing to do with the poor people who have been caught up in the fires. For them I feel nothing but sympathy at the trauma that they have not only gone through but are still experiencing and likely to be trapped in for a long time to come. No, I'm not amazed by them, other than by the fact that any of them made it out alive. My shock is that anyone could try and make political milage out of such a tragedy, especially while it is still not over, or that blame could be so central to the focus of so many people who are not involved.
There are many reasons for the severity of the fire, certainly. There are probably many ways it could have been prevented or at the very least minimised. It does no good to argue that government policies are to blame, or greenies who argued against the clearing of bush undergrowth. It is even less senseless to suggest even the possibility of something I saw on one of the message boards that basically amounted to the installation of a state-wide sprinkler system to put out the fires as they started (do have to wonder if the person advocating that has any concept of the distances involved, given that he suggested using sea water when it was politely pointed out that part of the problem is the almost total lack of rainfall to Victoria).
But the most bizarre and offensive suggestion to date is of the psycho religious variety. The appropriately named Catch the Fire Ministry seems, at first glance, to be a fairly standard extremist Christian organisation (yes, I'm at best agnostic, but seriously, take a look at some of the things these people advocate...I'll fill you in). It's leader has a knack for attracting publicity and is often linked to former Liberal politicians, a fair indication of right-wing status if ever there was one. But anybody who suggests, as this mane did overnight, that the enormous disaster of the fires was brought about by the government's actions in making abortion lawful ought to be taken somewhere quiet and having some sense knocked into them, and fast. And not just that person, but also the media who give them a forum for airing their bizarre views. Anyone could think that there is justification in the bible for the burning to death of men, women, children, innocents who may or may not have had any involvement or even opinions on abortions, ought to take a look at the passage where Sodom and Gomorrah were saved simply because there was one just man to be found in them. How can someone, supposedly a godly man, grandstand on such a subject? Does a lot for the reputation of Christians the world over. I can think of several who'd far rather that he'd just shut his trap.
And in the mean time, heartfelt sympathies to anyone who has felt the impact of these fires. I may be on the other side of the world right now, but I spent many weekends in the Kinglake and Marysville area and thought of it being wiped out, along with so many of the wonderful locals, is bad enough. Experiencing it must be something beyond comprehension.
Halloween Reading
13 years ago
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