Friday, February 06, 2009

Note to self

It's one thing to discover that you know how to email a post onto your blog. It's entirely different when you remember that your work attaches a signature to the bottom of your emails just after sending one of the three posts within two days that you've been distracted enough to prepare (it was the third. In case you were wondering). It's even worse when a quick check confirms that your signature has not only your name, but also your work email address, telephone number, and office address. Try finding this out during the hours when you're locked out of the editing options of Blogger as well. Torture. Torment. I can only imagine how much worse I would have felt had anyone actually read my blog. Luckily, I have a readership of two - in a good week.

So, it's back to the drawing board (ie the computer screen where I do my drafting work, in so many senses of the word) and a return to irregular posting. Dammit.

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